Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wrapping it up

Let me just start out by saying Crystal Cruises Rocks!!!! We have definitely had a taste of the good life ( not that being at home isn't great), but several people have called to our attention that taking our 1st cruise on a six star line probably is going to skew our impressions of cruising. We can both live with that. It did take us a few days to get in the groove & totally be in vacation mode (especially Lee who worked off & on until today). It has been so relaxing, I cannot really put in to words. We have been cracking up because the average passengers are retirees & they are out "partying" late, while Lee & I hit our stateroom after dinner (okay it's the late seating) because we are tired. But our goals for this trip were relaxing (check), spending time together alone (check), sleeping (check) & doing things on our own timetable (me more than Lee...check). I've been to the spa a few times & Lee even made me go to BINGO today where I am happy to report I won (I had to split the prize with 2 other passengers-and overall I made a dollar over what our cards cost, but atleast it was a win). Btw, BINGO has gone high tech since I last played as a 10 year can purchase electronic devices that do all the work for you...I mean what is the point? People were just sitting around waiting for their device to buzz & notify them that they won. But there were some serious BINGO players out there. We attended a farewell cocktail party given by Lee's publishing service & had our final dinner. BTW, it is no coincidence that every picture was taken at a restaurant...there is food everywhere we turn- it is ridiculous- and we did not have one meal that wasn't great. Tonight when we were seated at dinner, there were 2 adorable couples probaly in their late 70's/early 80's at the next table. They start chatting with us & it turns out one of the couples lives in the town I grew up it. We played the name game & yada yada yada they know someone who knows my father blah blah blah...but they were so cute & charming it was a great evening. It also took Lee & I out of our "zone"- we've spent the last few days getting to know so many people in much different phases of their lives- it has been a great experience for that alone.

So, I am fairly certain that we will not wait another 11 years to go on another vacation by ourselves. We are excited to see the kids, but as a few people have told me before I left.."they are going to have to push me off the ship". I can definitely see that as a possibility, but all good things must come to an end.

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