Sunday, January 13, 2008

Baby Boom!!!!

Tonight I can honestly say I had the craziest night ever since I started working OB 15 years ago. Four deliveries in 27 minutes(12:35 a.m.- 1:02 a.m.). Fortunately, my back up Dr. (Swoboda) was there b/c 2 of the babies were twin gestation. But it became apparent as the night progressed that 3 ladies were going to delivery within minutes of one another. All the drama you see on tv with regards to labor & delivery is usually so far fetched...but tonight I have to say I felt as if I was in a comedy of some sort. I was running from room to room- it was nuts. The 2nd twin was born via cesaerean & that got our adrenaline going as it was a last minute situation...but the night ended with 3 happy families, 4 adorable babies (3 girls, 1 boy) and a very exhausted midwife who hopefully will get no more calls this weekend, b/c there are not too many women out there to delivery (did I just jinx myself?) Hopefully, I can sleep in a bit tomorrow...doubtful!

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