Sunday, January 27, 2008

Food, Glorious Food

Although I really do enjoy cooking, Lee & I have decided that because of the cleanup that goes with it, is not always worth it to make a big dinner. This is especially true during the weekdays, when we rarely all sit down together for dinner due to after school commitments. So Sundays are when I usually take the time to cook for the week & make one big mess (it's also when I grocery shop, so we are more likely to have food to cook). Speaking of inspiration in the kitchen, Lee & I watched Waitress last night- what a great film & if that didn't motivate us to get in the kitchen, I don't know what would- although, I know what it takes to make a pie from come Keri Russell never had flour on her forehead like I do when I am baking? She looked way too neat. Anyways, as you can see from the pictures from today, nothing fancy on the menu, but I think I made one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches EVER. Just a hunch, it looked perfect, if I do say so myself. Those of you who know Lee fairly well, know that for him to ask/eat anything with dairy in it is a rarity...he did say it was good. And of course, a Lowell family staple... good ol' "Taco Night". As I am writing this, Lee is calling from the kitchen "where do I start?" he is referring to the cleanup!!!

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