Saturday, January 19, 2008

It is starting to make sense...

Yesterday I finally got to hear Lee speak at a conference. Quite impressive, even though I am not objective. For years I have often thought I should try to understand what Lee does for a living, even at the very basic level. After a few minutes of looking at graphs/charts on the computer, I realize I do not have the patience or interest to understand options, futures, etc. I even tried to read his book, and I did get through the forward and dedication (best part in my opinion) and then had to quit because it reads like a foreign language to me. But the whole reason behind this trip was him speaking to a group of investors,the least I could do was to show my support. He was amazing, I cannot believe all the knowledge he has, how intense it can be, all the while I have been interupting him for years bothering him with questions like "what do you want from the grocery store??" The attendees at the conference were as impressed as I was (welll maybe not as much). The good news...I do have a have a very basic understanding of options trading...the bad news...after the basic information I am at a total lost. So now when I hear the words "put, call, short, long, bullish, bearish" I have an inkling of what is going on. I think it is important to support your spouse in there interests, but definitely Lee & I differ on what we think is exciting work. I am sure 4cm/100% effaced/ vtx -2 doesn't do to much to get his adrenaline going!!!

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