Thursday, January 17, 2008

Greetings from the sea

Where do I start? Lee & I left early Tuesday morning for our cruise. We flew to St. Kitt's-we did not board the ship until the next day. Let me say that the trip was weird/easy. I actually read on the planes & watched an entire movie. We were both missing the kids & although we were excited to take this trip, it was a little bittersweet leaving them behind. As soon as we got to St. Kitt's, all I wanted to do was sleep. I think my body knew that I did not have to take care of any little people and I was able to let my guard down...or was it that I had an exhausting on-call weekend & I was just catching up with my sleep??? Who knows, but all I did during our stay in St. Kitt's was sleep & read. I also think that sadly, b/c we lived on an island for 4 years that it takes alot for us to get excited about island life. Anyways, it was great just thinking about ourselves but I have to admit we had our fair share of discussions about our kids & how much we missed them. The next afternoon we boarded our ship- The Crystal Symphony. We were told how fab this boat is by several people. We have never been on a cruise before so we had nothing to compare it to. The last 2 days we were docked in St. Kitt's & San Juan & Lee & I had zero desire to go on any excursions. Lee's been working off & on getting ready for his presentations while I have been reading alot ( I am almost finished with my 2nd book- thanks to Melissa's Berrada & Pifer...btw for a hilarious, fast read ""Shopaholic & Baby"). Moving on to the food- it is crazy- unbelievable the amount of food- let's just say there is tons of it at all times- very good as well. Tonight Lee had to host a dinner for some couples who were attending the seminar he was speaking at. Definitely, the clientele is a "bit" older than us...when I brought that up to Lee (obvious) he said, well you can just talk to them about there hotflashes, to which I replied "I think these women are all 20 -30 years past hotflashes". They were really sweet& very impressed by Lee's knowledge of commodity trading. I sat next a gentleman who not in looks but in values, philosophy & speech reminded me completely of my dad!!!
Let me just say it is so nice getting away with Lee. We spend a good deal of time together normally since he works from home, but it is so great not having to deal with what keeps us busy at home (even if Lee is working some). We've gotten really sweet e-mails from the girls & Josie seems to be missing us alot...she sent an e-mail that should be published it was so cute, funny & sweet. We know the kids are doing great.
Tomorrow after Lee's speeches (2)- we are getting massages - we will be at sea for the next 2 1/2 days. As time passes I am definitely getting more in to vacation mode. I have to say, this has definitely been an amazing trip so far...I am sure the next 2 + days will continue to impress us!!!

1 comment:

The Kane Family said...

I am so glad for your update. I forgot to call you on Tuesday and have felt bad the entire week. Enjoy your time - you both deserve it!!
