Thursday, January 31, 2008

Working Hard

As parents we are always recognizing our children's achievements & progress at school & activities. It is really great when someone else notices the hard work & efforts that your child puts forth. This week Sydney was recognized (along with a fellow dancer) at dance as "Most Improved Star" for doing a round off back handspring on a hard floor (therefore being able to do it in a dance routine without a mat). This award has just started at her studio & the girls all scream with excitement each week when they find out who was awarded- which is great to see their support of one another. When Sydney 1st told us she was doing this without a mat, I was thinking of possible trips to the ER, but she has been very consistent, so I must let go & I am of course very proud of her.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Concert Series Continues

We're moving on up. First, The Wiggles and now Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus. Lee & I took Sydney & Josie and I have to say we all had a great time. It came as no surprise, the level of noise probably 15-20,000 screaming adolescent girls can make. She put on a great show- quite impressive for a 15 year old. Bottom line - Josie & Sydney had alot of fun & Lee & I will always have a chuckle thinking about the time we had 3 computers rolling trying to get tickets online (unsuccessful I might add) & then how we casually went online days later & were able to get 4 seats together, no problem. For those of you who might be scared for the slippery concert slope Lee & I are on...have no fear- we have tickets to see Bruce Springsteen & The E. Street Band in April!

So Sweet

Sadly, Griffin had a fever & the stomach flu times!!! But look how cute he looks here (how's that for looking at the bright side). This was the 1st time probably since he was 4 months old that he fell asleep on me...that's about it for the "up" side of having your baby sick. The fever has subsided, but he's still not eating. Lee & Griffie had a 'sick" day while I went to work- they always get sick on a day I work.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Food, Glorious Food

Although I really do enjoy cooking, Lee & I have decided that because of the cleanup that goes with it, is not always worth it to make a big dinner. This is especially true during the weekdays, when we rarely all sit down together for dinner due to after school commitments. So Sundays are when I usually take the time to cook for the week & make one big mess (it's also when I grocery shop, so we are more likely to have food to cook). Speaking of inspiration in the kitchen, Lee & I watched Waitress last night- what a great film & if that didn't motivate us to get in the kitchen, I don't know what would- although, I know what it takes to make a pie from come Keri Russell never had flour on her forehead like I do when I am baking? She looked way too neat. Anyways, as you can see from the pictures from today, nothing fancy on the menu, but I think I made one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches EVER. Just a hunch, it looked perfect, if I do say so myself. Those of you who know Lee fairly well, know that for him to ask/eat anything with dairy in it is a rarity...he did say it was good. And of course, a Lowell family staple... good ol' "Taco Night". As I am writing this, Lee is calling from the kitchen "where do I start?" he is referring to the cleanup!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wrapping it up

Let me just start out by saying Crystal Cruises Rocks!!!! We have definitely had a taste of the good life ( not that being at home isn't great), but several people have called to our attention that taking our 1st cruise on a six star line probably is going to skew our impressions of cruising. We can both live with that. It did take us a few days to get in the groove & totally be in vacation mode (especially Lee who worked off & on until today). It has been so relaxing, I cannot really put in to words. We have been cracking up because the average passengers are retirees & they are out "partying" late, while Lee & I hit our stateroom after dinner (okay it's the late seating) because we are tired. But our goals for this trip were relaxing (check), spending time together alone (check), sleeping (check) & doing things on our own timetable (me more than Lee...check). I've been to the spa a few times & Lee even made me go to BINGO today where I am happy to report I won (I had to split the prize with 2 other passengers-and overall I made a dollar over what our cards cost, but atleast it was a win). Btw, BINGO has gone high tech since I last played as a 10 year can purchase electronic devices that do all the work for you...I mean what is the point? People were just sitting around waiting for their device to buzz & notify them that they won. But there were some serious BINGO players out there. We attended a farewell cocktail party given by Lee's publishing service & had our final dinner. BTW, it is no coincidence that every picture was taken at a restaurant...there is food everywhere we turn- it is ridiculous- and we did not have one meal that wasn't great. Tonight when we were seated at dinner, there were 2 adorable couples probaly in their late 70's/early 80's at the next table. They start chatting with us & it turns out one of the couples lives in the town I grew up it. We played the name game & yada yada yada they know someone who knows my father blah blah blah...but they were so cute & charming it was a great evening. It also took Lee & I out of our "zone"- we've spent the last few days getting to know so many people in much different phases of their lives- it has been a great experience for that alone.

So, I am fairly certain that we will not wait another 11 years to go on another vacation by ourselves. We are excited to see the kids, but as a few people have told me before I left.."they are going to have to push me off the ship". I can definitely see that as a possibility, but all good things must come to an end.

It is starting to make sense...

Yesterday I finally got to hear Lee speak at a conference. Quite impressive, even though I am not objective. For years I have often thought I should try to understand what Lee does for a living, even at the very basic level. After a few minutes of looking at graphs/charts on the computer, I realize I do not have the patience or interest to understand options, futures, etc. I even tried to read his book, and I did get through the forward and dedication (best part in my opinion) and then had to quit because it reads like a foreign language to me. But the whole reason behind this trip was him speaking to a group of investors,the least I could do was to show my support. He was amazing, I cannot believe all the knowledge he has, how intense it can be, all the while I have been interupting him for years bothering him with questions like "what do you want from the grocery store??" The attendees at the conference were as impressed as I was (welll maybe not as much). The good news...I do have a have a very basic understanding of options trading...the bad news...after the basic information I am at a total lost. So now when I hear the words "put, call, short, long, bullish, bearish" I have an inkling of what is going on. I think it is important to support your spouse in there interests, but definitely Lee & I differ on what we think is exciting work. I am sure 4cm/100% effaced/ vtx -2 doesn't do to much to get his adrenaline going!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Greetings from the sea

Where do I start? Lee & I left early Tuesday morning for our cruise. We flew to St. Kitt's-we did not board the ship until the next day. Let me say that the trip was weird/easy. I actually read on the planes & watched an entire movie. We were both missing the kids & although we were excited to take this trip, it was a little bittersweet leaving them behind. As soon as we got to St. Kitt's, all I wanted to do was sleep. I think my body knew that I did not have to take care of any little people and I was able to let my guard down...or was it that I had an exhausting on-call weekend & I was just catching up with my sleep??? Who knows, but all I did during our stay in St. Kitt's was sleep & read. I also think that sadly, b/c we lived on an island for 4 years that it takes alot for us to get excited about island life. Anyways, it was great just thinking about ourselves but I have to admit we had our fair share of discussions about our kids & how much we missed them. The next afternoon we boarded our ship- The Crystal Symphony. We were told how fab this boat is by several people. We have never been on a cruise before so we had nothing to compare it to. The last 2 days we were docked in St. Kitt's & San Juan & Lee & I had zero desire to go on any excursions. Lee's been working off & on getting ready for his presentations while I have been reading alot ( I am almost finished with my 2nd book- thanks to Melissa's Berrada & Pifer...btw for a hilarious, fast read ""Shopaholic & Baby"). Moving on to the food- it is crazy- unbelievable the amount of food- let's just say there is tons of it at all times- very good as well. Tonight Lee had to host a dinner for some couples who were attending the seminar he was speaking at. Definitely, the clientele is a "bit" older than us...when I brought that up to Lee (obvious) he said, well you can just talk to them about there hotflashes, to which I replied "I think these women are all 20 -30 years past hotflashes". They were really sweet& very impressed by Lee's knowledge of commodity trading. I sat next a gentleman who not in looks but in values, philosophy & speech reminded me completely of my dad!!!
Let me just say it is so nice getting away with Lee. We spend a good deal of time together normally since he works from home, but it is so great not having to deal with what keeps us busy at home (even if Lee is working some). We've gotten really sweet e-mails from the girls & Josie seems to be missing us alot...she sent an e-mail that should be published it was so cute, funny & sweet. We know the kids are doing great.
Tomorrow after Lee's speeches (2)- we are getting massages - we will be at sea for the next 2 1/2 days. As time passes I am definitely getting more in to vacation mode. I have to say, this has definitely been an amazing trip so far...I am sure the next 2 + days will continue to impress us!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Baby Boom!!!!

Tonight I can honestly say I had the craziest night ever since I started working OB 15 years ago. Four deliveries in 27 minutes(12:35 a.m.- 1:02 a.m.). Fortunately, my back up Dr. (Swoboda) was there b/c 2 of the babies were twin gestation. But it became apparent as the night progressed that 3 ladies were going to delivery within minutes of one another. All the drama you see on tv with regards to labor & delivery is usually so far fetched...but tonight I have to say I felt as if I was in a comedy of some sort. I was running from room to room- it was nuts. The 2nd twin was born via cesaerean & that got our adrenaline going as it was a last minute situation...but the night ended with 3 happy families, 4 adorable babies (3 girls, 1 boy) and a very exhausted midwife who hopefully will get no more calls this weekend, b/c there are not too many women out there to delivery (did I just jinx myself?) Hopefully, I can sleep in a bit tomorrow...doubtful!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sleepy Saturday morning

They often act like 2 peas in a are Josie & Griffin trying out his 1st sleeping bag. I love how he "fake sleeps"- his eyes all scrunched up. No plans for a sleepover just yet, as Griffin only likes to sleep in his crib (thankfully). It did make for some comfy tv watching on a lazy Saturday morning.

The Tumblebus rolls in to town

Griffin (& Josie) had a fun morning celebrating friends' Ella & Flynn's 2nd birthdays on the tumblebus- which is a gym inside a bus!!! Griffin who is usually up for anything jumped right in- he especially liked the zip line. Pizza & cake to finish...what could be better. Good times!!!!