Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our little rocker turns 3!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Griffin. What a full day we had celebrating. There has been alot of build up to his birthday, mostly from his sisters, that I don't really think he believed that it was actually "the" day. We celebrated at home before school, at school, & then a very casual party at the park. The weather could not have been more perfect. Of course, no nap followed (thanks to the "new" sleeping arrangements)...we finished off the day having a birthday dinner at home with Mollye & Grammy. We never got around to opening up his presents...I think we were all tired! Something to look forward to over the weekend. More pictures to follow ...between all the celebrations, I think we took almost 100! Thanks to everyone who partied with us. Griffin, we love you...keep on rockin'.

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