Monday, September 22, 2008

The end of an ERA

So here we are taking down our crib for one last time...all 3 kids slept in this crib- some (Griffin) more than others (Josie). It travelled from New York, To Kauai, to Florida. More than anything, it is symbolic that we are out of the baby phase. We have no plans to replace it with a bed just yet, as Griffin is happy "camping" out in his room in the shark tent. We even moved his mattress in there. Sadly, the end of the crib has also meant the end of consistent, solid naps (can you hear the depression in my voice). I cannot believe my excellent sleeper has turned in to one of those kids that is out of his room & down the stairs almost as fast as his parents. I am sure many of you have been there...not fun. Oh well, we had 3 good years!

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