Thursday, September 4, 2008

15 years of wedded bliss

Okay, Lee & I just had a very, very long laugh looking at some of our wedding photos. Check out exhibit A & B above. Oh my!! So here we are 15 years later...really it is hard to believe because it has flown by ( although I do remember th evening quite vividly). Lee, what can I say that I haven't constantly make me laugh, you certainly have lived up to your vows of "for better or worse" & I am thankful ever day that I get to take this journey with you by my side. I can go on & on but actions speak louder than words. 15 years ago, i never would have imagined that one day you would suggest we leave the craziness of NYC for paradise on Kauai...but you did & we created a life for ourselves. I really have no expectations for what lives ahead, although I am sure we will find ourselves doing something off the beat and path and enjoying ourselves along the way.

1 comment:

Bill W. said...

I remember that night too. What a great time! I think that was the first time most of the Palace met Dianna and everyone thought she looked like Janet Levy. Then, immediately after Dianna met Janet , the first thing Dianna said to me was "You used to date her didn't you?" Good times!