Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our latest piece of furniture

Uncle Greg is in there somewhere setting the shark up

This is cool (also check out Josie in the background) Sleepy time

Grammy gave both Griffin & Wyatt their very own Shark tents for their birthdays ( too bad we don't have a backyard). I think it will set up residence in our family room. So, I know I have posted that Griffin only sleeps in his crib (not in a car, not in a bed, not on a plane -sounds like Dr. Seuss?) - so when he said he wanted to sleep in the shark I was like "okay, let's get this over with...I'll let him lie down in the tent & within 5 minutes he will be wandering around the house & then he will be back up in his crib." It's happened before when he tried to have sleepovers with his sisters. Wrong, wrong, wrong. He slept the whole night & even called for us at 7:45 a.m. to come get him out even though he could have just walked out of the tent. I didn't sleep as well...I was waiting for a "crash"- picturing him walking into something in the middle of the night. I really hope this isn't the "beginning of the end" for his crib nights....atleast we are more prepared for our future camping trip to Fort Wilderness!

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