Sunday, September 7, 2008

Now it's Griffin's turn

For almost 3 years Griffin has been travelling around Celebration & beyond to all his big sisters' activities. It just hit me the other day that he should have his own activity. I knew exactly which one...he loves to jump on the "tumble track" at IMDP & they have a 3 & 4 y/o acro class..PERFECT!!! He sits patiently through each of his sisters' class so that he can have his own turn at the end of their class. So, I was a bit miffed when he got to acro on Saturday a.m. when he refused to participate...he walked around the gym complaining he was "too tired" (11:00 a.m.) & "too hungry" (okay he did have a point- I think Lee & I thought the other one fed him breakfast!) Anyways, what is up with that...I mean what almost 2 y/o boy would not want to tumble. Long story short he participated in the last 5-10 minutes. Wow!!! I think he is a non-participating phase, 1st school & now acro. Oh well, we'll give it one more try to see if it's a go!

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