Monday, July 28, 2008

Yes, you really can go home again

So a few months ago my good friend Jenny Kelly (I am using maiden names for this post)decided it had been too long since we had seen one another & we needed to get about a weekend away to celebrate our 40th birthdays? But where to go? California? Mexico? Chicago? I came up with the excellent idea of Cleveland...both of our parents had moved away & we had not been back in YEARS. Plus we still have many friends living there & we could try to convince our girls not living there to rendez-vous. One e-mail later we had EVERYONE on board, no conflicts of dates...EASY BREEZY. Thanks to Laura, Maureen & Tim for hosting some great parties- we all appreciated your hospitality. Let me just say that saying "Time stands still"...well I half believe. First of all everyone looked the same- amazing, really the Northeast Ohio air must have done something great to us. But on the other hand it is unbelievable that 22 years have past since we all went to school together...CRAZY!!!! Everyone is just the same...Maureen & Greta still had me crying tears from laughter. And finally, I have to give kudos to Emily Sheperd & Amy Miller (me) for not only closing down The Colony the 1st night, but also being the last to leave Laura & Matt's the 2nd night. Remember, we were not known for our stamina when it comes to partying like some of our other I guess in those respects...40 is the new 20!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Great post, Amy! Thanks for capturing the weekend--it was a blast!