Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A little help from friends & family

Egypt had an early call time of 6:45 (ouch)
Debbie, Elaine, Larry & Marya in the audience
Amy, Pam & Michael
Sydney's supporters...Michael, Pam, Mom, Wayne, Aunt Debbie, Josie & Dani
Sydney's grandparents were not only entertained but very proud

The morning of the 4th found us waking up at 5:30 (not fun). They had a 6:30 call time & although I am getting better & hair & makeup...it still takes time. Lucky for Sydney she had many fans driving in to watch her performance. i think it was unanimous that the performance was way better than they anticipated...as pam faciciously said when it was over " not intense enough". We appreciate all of you coming in to watch & support IMDP!!! You were our good luck charms!!!

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