Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sydney & her friends donate 70 inches!!!!

Almost 2 years ago Sydney, Josie & I decided to grow our hair out to donate to "Locks of Love". Josie donated last Novemeber...I am almost there...and last Tuesday night Sydney & 6 other girls from IMDP each donated atleast 10 inches of hair to the program!!! That is 5 feet 10 inches of hair combined...enough to make one wig...although as you will see in pictures the girls had all different textures & colors of hair. It was an energetic bunch, absolutely no tears & every girl was thrilled with her new look. It was so nice to say goodbye to heavy locks & welcome fresh styles. The girls looked beautiful & more importantly they felt good about their donation. We finished off the evening at Cold Stone. Way to go Sydney, Charly, Eriel, Alex, Ali, Cortney & Shannon- we are all proud of you.

1 comment:

terri said...

way to go sydney and friends !!!
i am so proud of you all !!
and you all look marvelous...... :)
terri Z
i'll be there to cheer you on amy when it is your turn !!