Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A night out in Boston

Amy & Kathy
Amy & Pam & Scott
Davis 4th girls...Amy, Pam & Kathy
Do we still look like we did in 1986?

My 2nd night in Boston, I left the girls with Julie & hopped on the "T" & met up with Kathy & her husband Mark to go meet Pam & her friends to celebrate Pam's boyfriend Michael's 40th birthday. pam & Kathy are my great friends from UVM ( see blog entry from 9/2007). What fun. First of all...I LOVE city life & it felt great to hop on mass transit for a night out, especially when I don't know exactly where I am going!!! I met Kath & mark in their hotel & then we headed to Boston Beer Works for drinks. The beer menu was incredible & the beer I had was fab! I could have stayed out a lot longer but I remembered I had to go back to a hotel room full of kids!!! What a bonus being able to catch up with my girls in Boston!

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