Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy (Early) 8th Birthday Jo

How can Josie be turning 8? She is truly one of a kind. She is an extremely witty, sweet, energetic little girl who always keeps us on our toes. Sometimes, I really wonder what goes on inside her head because she has some very unique thoughts!!! She is a wonderful big sister to Griffin & tends to master most things she tries. We went to Beaches & Cream & the arcade at The Beach Club to celebrate early because I am on-call on her b'day & Sydney will be at dance. katie came along to celebrate & all the kids had a great time. (Sydney is a chip off the ol' block- she has mastered Ms. Pacman, which I championed back in 1982...I am terrible now) . More b'day updates will most likely follow in a few days!
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