Sunday, April 27, 2008

The last bit of celebrating

Josie has had quite the week of celebrating. We told her she could have a friend sleepover in addtion to the other things we have done this week. Well, like the old Herbal Essence commercial (or was it Prell?) one friend turned in to two friends turned in to four friends (which by the end of the night was back down to 3 friends)...apparently Josie is very good at social directing. It was low key- just swimming & movies but put 4-5 eight year olds together & that is aLOT of energy. I'd like to say we are done celebrating for awhile (it seems we have been eating birthday cake for weeks now) but Sydney's party is in 3 short weeks.
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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Eight is Great!!!

Josie Miller Lowell is 8 years old!!!! How can parents not reflect on the day their child was born when they celebrate their kids' birthdays. I'll spare all the gorey details, but let's just say Lee & I remember it like it was yesterday. Josie quickly opened up a few presents after we danced as a family & she was able to talk to a few aunts before she headed off to school...I had to leave early to go to the hospital but Lee was able to bring lunch to her (& Sydney) & spend her lunchtime with her. Afterschool she played with her friend Alexa & then Lee took the girls to play miniature golf. Griffin I met up with them for dinner afterwards (Sydney was -no surprise- at dance). Happy Birthday girl...we love you!

Griffin says....

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy (Early) 8th Birthday Jo

How can Josie be turning 8? She is truly one of a kind. She is an extremely witty, sweet, energetic little girl who always keeps us on our toes. Sometimes, I really wonder what goes on inside her head because she has some very unique thoughts!!! She is a wonderful big sister to Griffin & tends to master most things she tries. We went to Beaches & Cream & the arcade at The Beach Club to celebrate early because I am on-call on her b'day & Sydney will be at dance. katie came along to celebrate & all the kids had a great time. (Sydney is a chip off the ol' block- she has mastered Ms. Pacman, which I championed back in 1982...I am terrible now) . More b'day updates will most likely follow in a few days!
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Saturday, April 19, 2008

In the Pool

Never have I made in to our pool UNHEATED in April. Until today & I am not sure what came over me because it really isn't that hot out yet. But I did it- even before Josie cannonballed in from the jacuzzi ledge- & hee is the photo to prove it!!!! It was really cold & I am usually a chicken, but Ihad this desire to be the 1st one in. Most likely I won't be floating in the pool until mid- June.

We "got down" last night

We went to Julie & Mike Darr's 50th Birthday Celebration "Stayin'Alive" last night. How fun was it to get dressed many laughs. First of all, I've always thought I could be a child of the sixties & now I know why- the clothes were way more comfortable than in the 70's. Lee asked me if my dress was itchy & I said that was the least of my problems...the dresses are so very short. Although my own personal experience with the 70's definitely involved polyester, they was a decal of snoopy on the front & atleast I could sit down in my outfit. But we had so much & it was fun dressing up. While we were getting ready & Lee was putting on his hot pink disco shirt, I could tell he was not happy with me for picking out his clothes & shoes, but he looked awesome. Terri (Foxy Brown) & Melissa outdid themselves once again with the cakes...The replica of John Travolta's white leisure jacket was unbelievable- you really had to see it in person, the pictures do not do it justice. So, I was thankful to get in to my cotton pj's at the end of the evening- but it really was a fun night. If anyone needs to borrow hot pink go-go boots , you know where to find them & don't be surprised if they resurface in the near future, let's see, maybe around October 31st!!!

Sea World

Look how much fun these girls are having! The 2nd grade had a field trip to Sea World yesterday & Alexa & Josie had a blast. The day went by really fast, the weather was perfect. We saw a few shows, saw all the sea life, they went on a few rides& played on the playground. All in all a wonderful day.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Birthday beautification

Another "big birthday" to celebrate...Norma's 70th!!! I don't think she would mind me posting that...she looks great. As I was under strict orders not to do anything for her birthday, I organized a quiet gathering for food, friends, manicures & I am going to listen to "those" instructions. So nice to get together & celebrate, plus all of our toes really did need to be attended to- you know how I love multitasking. Today is her actual day & after everyone gets dropped off to their respective activites, Lee & I are taking her out to a nice, kid free dinner!!! Happy Birthday mom.
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Cousins, cousins & more cousins

Over the past few weeks we have been able to see all of our cousins (nieces & nephews) except for little Wyatt, as everyone has visited Florida for spring break. It is so fun for our kids they -love seeing their cousins. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of everyone, but here are a few. So much different than when we were growing up & our cousins lived so close to us- but we are thankful that we do get to see them every so often. we come!!!

IMDP attended their last regional dance competiton, The American Dance Awards, in Orlando April 4-5. The all danced great- too many awards to the next stop is nationals in Boston July 1-8. Congrats to all who participated.

I made it!!!!

Yay!!! Forty arrived & I have to say it was no big deal...the actually time leading up to it was more unnerving than the actual day. When I woke up , I was like "hmm, not really any different!!!" I had a wonderful day- woke up to phone calls, dancing with my family (celebratory tradition in our home). I took an awesome cycle class & hung out at The Beach & Yacht Club pool with Cathy, Simon, my mom, Mollye, Syd, Jo, & Griffin. Later that afternoon Lee & I took off for the evening. He booked a suite at The Celebration Hotel (beautiful) & we had dinner at The Boheme. All & all a great day, very relaxing- I could not have asked for anything more. The next morning Lee & I had a great breakfast at the hotel & went shopping alone. That was a treat. Okay...I've had enough cake for awhile. Forty really does rock.