Sunday, December 30, 2007

Baby it's cold inside (a.k.a. Brrrrrr)

We had to beat the heat (really it is still in the 80's here) so we went to visit the ICE exhibit at The Gaylord Palms Hotel. The bummer was that my camera was not charged so I missed several wonderful photo opportunities. The good news is that we had so much fun despite the 9 degree temperature that after 20 minutes, I can definitely say I have zero tolerance to the cold. Anyways, seeing the kids in parkas (especially Griffin who we temporarily nicknamed "The Penguin") was worth the price of admission alone. Perhaps, it is because over the last 9 years, I can count on one hand the number of times my kids have had winter jackets on their backs, I thought they looked especially cute. back to our day, we had so much fun going down the ice slides, it really is impressive- but once we could no longer feel the tips of our fingers we decided to head back to reality & short sleeved shirts. We had lunch at the hotel & then Lee, Sydney & Josie went ice skating- also something that our kids are not too familiar with but always enjoy. Griffin & I walked throughout the hotel...if he saw them skating he would no doubt want to participate. He did have a "meltdown" once he saw them taking off their skates. I have to say it was fun to get bundled up, but I for sure appreciate that we do not have to deal with hats, mittens & gloves on a regular basis.

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