Saturday, September 19, 2009

New year, New hair!

It's been a long time coming ( for me atleast) & yesterday Josie & I donated a combined 23 inches (12.5 from me & 10.5 from Josie) to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths Program. I was overly ready to take it off, but wanted to make sure I has enough length to donate...I didn't realize how long it really was since I had worn it up 99% of the time these past few months. This was Josie's 2nd donation in under 2 years- I am so proud of her- she was the one to come up with the idea in 2006 after she saw pictures of my friend Emily who was blogging about her own cancer journey. To date, Sydney, Josie & I donated almost 4 feet of hair which is still not enough to make one wig. As much as I have loved having long hair, I am excited about our new looks. Lee's only instructions were to not come home with a "mom" haircut, which he said I succeeded in!

So as we celebrate Rosh Hashanah...Jo & I can celebrate our "New hair in the New Year"

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