Sunday, September 13, 2009

Davis 4th, UVM Weekend! Part III

Another fun, fast weekend with my my college girlfriends up in Rhode Island. We did not reinvent the, chatting, diet coke, chatting, cooking, chatting, beach, chatting...oh yeah & a few drinks. I have solidified something that I already knew...I no longer can drink wine!!! Spam, Marinelli, Demore, Dex...thanks for the laughs, parenting tips, recipes, run & more laughs. So sad it was too quick & hard to believe next year will be 20 years since we graduated. As my good friend Kath told me this weekend "proximity is the best predictor in friendships" or something like that ( I had a few drinks at this time)...I think we can all be grateful to the individual who made the room assignments back in 1986!!! (I know Sydney, Josie & Griffin should be thankful!!). Lastly, I know we have gotten together for the past 5 years & we have known each other for 23...but I still learn something knew each year! See you all next September!

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