Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sydney M. Lowell is a kook!

Sydney has a reputation of being a quiet, shy girl. Those of us who live with her know that is just her cover. At dinner last night (and not paying attention) I realized she was not eating 3rds...but making a "play thing" out of food. Creative, yes. Bad manners, most people would agree. But she was so happy with what she could make with potatoes, stuffing, a roll & green beans! A future in food presentation?

Moving the party to Disney

tired birthday boy

crazy josie

What Lowell child birthday is complete without a trip to The Magic Kingdom???? Our plan was a few rides, dinner & then home! It seemed everything was experiencing technical difficulties so we kind of roamed for a while. I know Lee, Griffin & myself were beat, but we managed to get on a few rides before dinner. Our dinner reservation had a few hiccups along the way & Griffin was starting to complain he needed food, which is something he NEVER does- never, ever. Then I realized in all the craziness of the day- he hardly ate anything (except for some cake at his party- yikes). Our waitress was super helpful...and it ended up being a nice birthday dinner for him. We left the park b/c it was Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party- which seemed cool, but we were ready for bed. As I said to Lee when I got in to bed...I was more tired after celebrating Griffin's 4th b'day than on the day I actually gave birth & didn't sleep (well probably not, but it was a very busy, yet fun filled day). Happy 4th Griffin!

Paging Dr. Lowell

The 1st gift Griffin opened up when he got home from his party was a Drs. cart from his friend Ella. he was so excited about it...he chose not to open anything else b/c he wanted to play with it. Whenever he is at my office he loves to take my blood pressure, measure himself etc. Earlier in the week he asked me to ask Ella to bring her doctor kit to his party b/c he wanted to play with it! Bad news is that he told me my pulse was 3000! I guess his 1st thing to learn is how to treat tachycardia1

Party Time

Griffin's party was at the pool a block from our house- it was perfect...we had the whole pool to ourselves & after a few sprinkles at the beginning- we had perfect weather. the kids swam most of the time- I know Griffin was not bothered to eat anything. Water balloons, beach balls, noodles all keep them busy & it was nice to get together with some of the moms & have lunch. Best of all Griffin had a great time.

Celebrating at Montessori

Birthday celebration rolls in to MSC- Griffin walked around the "sun" 4 times to represent his 4 years on Earth! Birthday jumps, songs & wishes from his friends followed. These include " I wish you had a dragon that could fly you anywhere in the world, anytime you wanted" after 5 kids repeated this, he was wished " I hope you get a guitar that you could sleep in"! - it's good to know there are other kids out there with crazy thoughts! Griffin shared blueberry muffins & then it was a wrap.

Good morning 4 year old

Birthday mornings are so fun...but always a time crunch when you have to get ready for school. Griffin was so happy! He made the greatest facial expressions while opening up his gifts & he loved taking center of the circle in our birthday dance!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Birthday Celebration Kickoff

The night before "4" we started Griffie's celebration with cupcakes & family over. We tried to keep it mellow since he had a big day the next day & Lee & I had some organizing to do after he went to sleep ( and all I felt was "yawn"). happy start to your birthday Griffin

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Soccer Starts

The 2009 soccer season has started & Griffin is now added to the mix. How time flies...I was pregnant with him when Josie started to play. We were on the fence about starting him so young, but as Lee was recruited to be a coach for 4-5 year olds we figured we may as well give him a shot...if anything he will enjoy the snacks. It was blazing hot out the 1st practice (so much for Florida Fall weather) & after a few warm up exercises he was "so tired" & needed the 1st of many drink breaks. Coach Lee did an excellent job & I particulary loved his 1st question to his players "Does everyone know what sport they are playing!!!" Of course as games get underway we will be updating.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Popcorn Playdate

After lunch & playing at Chick-fil-A, Lauren & Griffin came back to our house to continue the fun. After a few games, coloring, dress-up (thankfully I saved a few of josie's recital costumes)- the ended up watching The Incredibles. Popcorn made it complete!

She's the girl NOT in braids

For the past 18 months Josie has worn hair in two braids without fail. In the 2 days since donating 10.5 inches she has worn a headband, no barrett, two barrets, one side barrett, hair up and 2 baby pigtails- all adorable. Now she decidedes she is in to accessorizing! Sydney will be bumming b/c she usually takes all of Josie's gift cards to Claires...sorry to say Sydney- she's going to want them back!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New year, New hair!

It's been a long time coming ( for me atleast) & yesterday Josie & I donated a combined 23 inches (12.5 from me & 10.5 from Josie) to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths Program. I was overly ready to take it off, but wanted to make sure I has enough length to donate...I didn't realize how long it really was since I had worn it up 99% of the time these past few months. This was Josie's 2nd donation in under 2 years- I am so proud of her- she was the one to come up with the idea in 2006 after she saw pictures of my friend Emily who was blogging about her own cancer journey. To date, Sydney, Josie & I donated almost 4 feet of hair which is still not enough to make one wig. As much as I have loved having long hair, I am excited about our new looks. Lee's only instructions were to not come home with a "mom" haircut, which he said I succeeded in!

So as we celebrate Rosh Hashanah...Jo & I can celebrate our "New hair in the New Year"