Friday, November 28, 2008

A relaxing morning

Griffin watching television
Sydney "couching" it

Josie prepares cornbread stuffing

Josie sauteeing onions
Snuggling in bed
I love Thanksgiving! Our morning was so relaxing. I had to go in to the hospital at 4:30 to deliver a baby I was grateful that I did not have to get up so early to get things done. The 5 of us all got in to our bed & watched "The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade" ( especially since we lived a half block from the parade route). Once I had enough coffee in me...I went for a great run & when I returned, my awesome helper Josie & I prepared the stuffings & the turkey & put it in the oven. Sydney & Griffin continued to "couch" it while Lee made a big breakfast to hold everyone over until it was turkey time. I love when we have days where there is no running around.

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