Saturday, November 22, 2008

Go Josie Lowell

Josie spent alot of her time practicing on the soccer field before her game today...she had to be at the field at 8 a.m. (ouch) for team pictures. Too bad most of her teammates did not show up until right before her 9 a.m. game. Did I mention it was in the 40's & Rob Zollinger confused me witha sherpa because I was wrapped up like I was climbing Everest??? You would never know I grew up in the snow belt & was exposed to lake effect winds. Anyways, not the point of this post...I got to play around some more with my camera & get some great shots of her defending the goal. ps- later that day I was running errands & the temperature was posted outside as 74 degress. I was in a turtleneck & still cold, hmmmmmm.
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