Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We are suckers ( Hanukkah Day 5 part II)

When Sydney & Josie got home we let them open up their presents which were toasty pj bottoms (perfect for Northern Wisconsin summers!!). They were a hit. Then Griffin remembered that I bought him Buzz Lightyear pj's - not the smartest move on my part, but I couldn't decide b/t Buzz & Sponge Bob so I ask for his opinion. Anyways, Griffin was nagging us so much that he wanted to open his pj's too. We made him raise his right hand & repeat to us that he won't cry tomorrow when he does not have a present to open (well actually he does...it's his sisters who are out of luck!). Adorable yes... a bit hot for this heatwave we are experiencing in Central Florida!!!

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