Saturday, December 5, 2009

OUC Half Marathon

It has been 7 years since I ran this race...I think The Ragnar has gotten the race bug back in me. Last week I decided to step it up & run a half marathon (my favorite distance- still challenging but does not take over your life like a marathon does). I have always been a good distance runner...but now it seems every runner I talk to is trying to get a faster time. I wanted to enjoy myself & definitely be able to talk through it. Crazy rainstorms made what I was going to wear more of a concern than the actual race. You never know how you are going to do on race day...a series of events let Al, Dee & I to be buddies from start to finish. Al's watch (pace/timer) helped us get through a relatively enjoyable race. The rain actual helped. Mile 11 seemed to take forever (but we actually stayed on pace) & then came mile 12.5...not fun at all. I was about to send Al & Dee on their way when I realized I had to finish with them. This was the point where I was glad I have run a marathon so I won't be tempted...there was no way I could imagine doubling up on this run!!! We finished in 1:52:16 which is 5 minutes faster than we did in 2002 (who says you don't get better with age!!!) The post race was hard standing around in the cold- even the beer tent did not entice me. A big thanks to Al & Dee...I always have known Dee & I are such compatible running partners b/c we never get bitchy with each other at the end of a race. Al- thanks for keeping me on pace letting me know when I was going too fast or too slow ( I bet you think starting at a 9:20 pace at the beginning was a good idea now) & for letting me know it was time to "bean up". Running shoes are on hiatus for awhile now!

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