Sunday, November 15, 2009

Go Team Lowell!!!

We rocked the pavement this a.m. during The Celebration Founder's Day Races. We had one member of our family running in each of the races . Amy (10K), Lee (5K), Josie (mile), Griffin(4 & under) & Sydney (#1 fan & photographer). I love that my family is jumping on my band wagon- I think it is such a positive environment to expose our kids, never,ever,ever would I have guessed that Lee would start running in races. NEVER!!! He must really love me. It was an early & long morning. I love the fact that they came out to watch me finish...something that we joke has not really been done before. Looking forward to 2010, when I have a feeling we might have 3 of us running the 5k!!! One can dream!

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