Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The start of Spring visitors

Our friend Christine & family are the 1st of many visitors this spring. They came down for a week of Disney fun! The last time we saw Christine was right before she had her beautiful daughter Kira , who is about to turn 5!!! Christine & I lived on the same dorm flloor, then became roommates...we studied abroad together & shared one of the best travel experiences ...trekking across Europe as college students. When I think back on some of our experiences- so much fun, so many crazy situations, funny people. Even now, when I think about how we were robbed on a train to Barcelona, I can laugh about it. I really hope my kids chose to study abroad!

Anyways, we had a fun catching up & I really hope it is not another 5 years. I think the Lowell's need to return the visit to Burlington, where they live...just not in the middle of winter!!!

1 comment:

The Robbins Family said...

Roger has an aunt, uncle & 3 cousins that live in Burlington, WI!