Thursday, November 1, 2007


Another great Halloween in Celebration. I have to say that there are so many opportunities to dress up before the actual night with all the parties leading up to Halloween that it can be kind anticlimatic. I was exhausted before the night even started!!! We had fun at The Sweeney's Front Porch pre- trick-r-treating get together. The adult costumes are getting better and better each year- and of course the kids we all cute as well...but some of our friends' costumes were hilarious! The girls and some of their friends plus Griffin in his wagon headed out for a full night- at first, Griffin got out of the wagon at each house, but then he was content to open up one lollipop at a time, take ONE lick and then go on to the next one. I am pretty certain he ate his weight in sugar. Some of the houses were outrageously decorated (can you say Disney?)- everyone had a great time- Lee gave all of our candy away & we had the usual end of the evening ritual which is kids ringing our doorbell after 10 p.m. even though all lights are out and there is no indication that we are even home! The holiday season has begun.

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