Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Breakaway

It's Lee's favorite time of season. He LOVES to watch her play (me too). After taking a few months off, we dug out her cleats and shin guards. Josie always looks so natural to me in a soccer uniform. Her team is called the RED BULLS, and she is once again coached by Coach Chuck and his wife Honey who are always fun to be around. Her team was unable to practice this week due to typical Central Florida lightening but the kids all looked great on the field and despite what felt like 100 degree weather - they stayed tough through the entire game. A highlight for us was when Josie got the ball and broke away from the other players and ran almost the entire field and scored. I think one of the fun things about soccer and I imagine most sports that parents watch their kids play, is that it gives us a chance to shake off stress from the rest of the week by shouting and jumping like a bunch of idiots! But we're all doing it together, so who cares!!!! Updates on the rest of the season to follow.

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