Sunday, January 31, 2010

"I am so BRAVE"

Griffin has been battling congestion & a cough for weeks...I have known it, but have been dragging my feet to take him in to confirm he has allergies/mild asthma. Before starting on meds, we are trying a few palliative treatments including nasal saline rinse. Lee was so against this because he thought Griffin would not tolerate it at all. Even the pharmacist I spoke with was not at all supportive because of that reason. But Griffin has proved them wrong. I think he enjoyed us cheering him on. Anyways, the 1st time around he took a break in the middle of the treatment & shouted out ..."I am so Brave". So funny & yes he is. Lee & I both tried it & are surprised that he is taking it like he is. Great news...we think it works...he has less sniffles & he says he feels less congested. Big yay.

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