Saturday, October 31, 2009

What a fun night (Halloween 2009)

I have never remembered starting Halloween so early- but I guess that's what happens when it falls on a Saturday. We pre trick-or-treated at 2 different parties - sent Sydney off with her girlfriends & then headed home for the real deal. By this time, Griffin was done with it all- could careless about candy & just wanted his pajamas. He was onboard to hand out the candy. That left wonder woman & candycorn witch to bond on the streets of East Village. Totally great night- lots of energy -although I don't like how everyone starts while the sun is still out- something not right about that. Creativity is always at a high in Celebration & the pirate ship house around the block from us brought in so much traffic that we ran out of candy by 8 p.m. Josie was a good sport & donated from her bag. We visited a few more friends homes vis the NEV & called it a night (except for Sydney who has not returned home but was spotted by a few friends & she is having fun). Boo until 2010.

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