Saturday, August 22, 2009

'It's Raining Sharks!"

Marya, Josie & I were minding our own business watching the parasailers from the end of the pier when all of a sudden we heard a loud thud. We turned around & saw a shark squirming for him life about 2 feet away from us. at 1st i thought " where the heck did this shark come from?" Seriously, I couldn't figure it out (Einstein)- then we saw that there were fishermen standing a few feet away- they had caught the shark & thrown it towards us. Creepy. One of the guys convinced Josie to pick it up & even told her it would not hurt her if she put her fingers in its mouth(what?). Brave girl...I wouldn't go near the shark & was relieved when they threw it back in the ocean. A few minutes later...the same loud thud & another shark appeared..ick!

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