Sunday, July 19, 2009

Camp Agawak - Visitor's Day 2009

Wow! We had a wonderful, wonderful Visiting Day. I missed the actual reunion b/t Lee & Josie b/c of a car blocking my view...and then it took us awhile to find Sydney...but we could really feel the love- there were a few tears, but they were of Joy! okay, let me just say we had a temperature drop of about 30 degrees from Orlando...but that did not stop Sydney & Josie from showing us their waterskiing skills. It was a fabulous day- we are so glad we got to see what their experience was like. We could see the exhaustion on the faces...emotionally & physical. Like the Agawak motto "Full Speed Ahead"- there was no stopping these campers the past weeks. So now, we are back home, I am trying to sort what stays, what gets tossed, what is put in the duffle bags until next summer. Great to have you home Josie & Sydney- we are so thrilled that you loved camp.

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