Thursday, June 25, 2009

The girls are off... a great summer! It was an early morning, Lee, Sydney & Josie left the house at 4 a.m. fot the trip up to Agawak. Josie was a bit teary, but mostly excited. Sydney was very calm. I think we all just wanted camp to start already. The whole day I was so excited for them. when Lee called me after he dropped them off, he have nothing but positive things to say...but it started to sink in...we have to wait for that 1st letter to arrive to hear how they are doing!!! It is killing me. fortunately, teh camp has an amazing website & within hours we saw pictures of the girls with their cabin mates & a very detail letter from the director as to what the days activities were- tubing, swimming assessments, bbq, staff show, big sister assignments. I am getting a bit nostalgic. Both of my best friends from camp have already contacted me...we are all jealous. Nothing like a camp friendship. Will update with fun details from their summer. syd & Jo..totally miss you but you are going to have the time of your life!!!

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