Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hello 2009!

Who doesn't love a sparkler?

Ah...the noisemakers!

Beth's lei made us homesick for smelled so good.
New Years Eve we spent at our friend Dee's home...lots of food & drink & friends. Griffin was partying hard...however after a few drinks I did not have as much stamina! I must be getting old. I did get him to sleep around 11 & I did get a second wind. The girls walked downtown with a group of people at the party to watch the beautiful fireworks, while Lee & I watched them from Dee's balcony, since Griffin was still sleeping.
Of course at New Years, we reflect on the past year- the good, the bad, always on how quickly it went by. Lee & I did alot of travelling in 2008, most of it spontaneous...which we have great memories from. The kids are getting easier in some ways, harder in others (we miss our awesome sleeper Griffin)! Overall, I feel how quickly the girls are growing up & am really trying to be present with them, because I know this time is fleeting. I do feel that towards the end of 2008 we made a conscious effort to sloooow down a bit & keep things more simple than they had been at the beginning.
Here is to a year filled with peace, love, friendship, doing what we love at work & at home, with friends & family. Happy 2009!

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