Saturday, January 31, 2009

Now it's Griffin's turn...

So now that we bought passes to Disney...I returned the next day with Griffin. There is a big difference from taking a 2 to 3 year old in...especially after watching movies like Toy Story, Cars & Monster Inc. I had so much fun with him. We ended up staying for 6 hours (the girls had rides to their afterschool activities). It was really crowded & he waiting very patiently...I was impressed. Next stop...Hollywood Studios!

Josie's getaway weekend!

Last weekend, Lee & I took Josie away by herself. It was her big Hanukkah gift. We checked in to Animal Kingdom Lodge & spent all day at The Magic Kingdom on Saturday & Animal Kingdom on Sunday. The 3 of us went out to dinner Saturday evening at Jiko at the hotel. This was one of my favorite weekends away. It was so amazing to be able to focus on one child. Josie is so witty, curious...always has alot to contribute. I hope we have started a new is often difficult to find the time to spend one on one, but so well worth it. I know she loved getting 100% attention from her parents.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Miniature golf

A gorgeous day yesterday- we had to get outside. The day before we spent the afternoon at the playground, so Josie suggested miniature golf. Excellent idea- there is a course right outside of Celebration. Josie is (surprise) very competitive with her scoring & Griffin has a very unique putt ( I guess we all did at 3). Josie had some great shots, we enjoyed the beautiful day & we certainly had a few laughs.

Josie enjoying the "good' life

My manicure/pedicure partner Melissa was unable to go this weekend, so Josie substituted in. Usually when I take the girls, they just get a "polish change". This time , we splurged & Josie got the full treatment- massage, exfoliation, cuticles etc. And our little tom-boy enjoyed every second of it. I think she is hooked. She told me she is available to "sub" in any time!

Griffin hits the slopes

Last week I took Griffin to Blizzard Beach for the afternoon. The weather was sunny & in the 70's, so we dug up the sunscreen & our suits. Weird going swimming in January...but another perk to living in Florida...although I have to say that 70 in sunny in January is not the same as 70 & sunny in August! It had been since the summer that we were at a water park & Griffin was so much more independent...he was able to get his own rafts, & go on all the kid slides by himself- which is another milestone for me! We went on the Family ride a few times- Griff screamed from the thrill of the ride, while I was screaming b/c the water temp. just wasn't "there" for me.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hello 2009!

Who doesn't love a sparkler?

Ah...the noisemakers!

Beth's lei made us homesick for smelled so good.
New Years Eve we spent at our friend Dee's home...lots of food & drink & friends. Griffin was partying hard...however after a few drinks I did not have as much stamina! I must be getting old. I did get him to sleep around 11 & I did get a second wind. The girls walked downtown with a group of people at the party to watch the beautiful fireworks, while Lee & I watched them from Dee's balcony, since Griffin was still sleeping.
Of course at New Years, we reflect on the past year- the good, the bad, always on how quickly it went by. Lee & I did alot of travelling in 2008, most of it spontaneous...which we have great memories from. The kids are getting easier in some ways, harder in others (we miss our awesome sleeper Griffin)! Overall, I feel how quickly the girls are growing up & am really trying to be present with them, because I know this time is fleeting. I do feel that towards the end of 2008 we made a conscious effort to sloooow down a bit & keep things more simple than they had been at the beginning.
Here is to a year filled with peace, love, friendship, doing what we love at work & at home, with friends & family. Happy 2009!