Monday, December 1, 2008

welcome littliest Pifer

Jossie, Melissa & I made a great team, if I do say so myself!
little "Buck" as we referred to him on L & D

she has her beautiful baby in her arms

A picture is wortha 1000 words

the "illegal" picture (all the grandparents, Jeff & Melissa)

Most of you know that for the most part...I love my job as a midwife. I admit it, I hate getting up in the middle of the night, although it always seems worth it the next day. Also, for every difficult labor/delivery I try to remind my self that there is a 'happy/light/fluffy" delivery around the corner. Today was one of those days. My good friend Melissa had her baby today. And as great as it is to take care of a can be way more stress if things don't go down the straight & narrow (which they rarely do). Thankfully, baby Pifer was extra cooperative today...he did not make my heartrate rise or adrenaline kick in once. I think he was extra comfy in there...he really did not want to come out. But all 8 pounds 8 ounces of him came out screaming. He is beautiful- looks exactly like the other Pifer boys. Melissa & Jeff...congratulations on you family of five. Melissa, it was so, so much fun taking care of you these past 7 1/2 months... I am going to miss seeing you & your belly at work

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