Tuesday, August 19, 2008

3rd grade...here comes Josie!

Josie is off to a great start. We know she is going to get a great education because she has the same 3rd grade teacher as Sydney did...Mr. Fiorito. He has a money system in his class where the kids earn money based on AR tests they take, problem solving etc. In Josie's world, "money talks'- she has always been incentive driven & she is completely onboard with Mr. Fiortio's plan. In fact, when I picked the girls up yesterday, she walked right by me with her nose in a book. I told her I didn't even know she knew how to walk & read at the same time! She was reading she told me because the 1st student to score the highest AR points in the 1st 3 months gets $50 (Fiorito $'s). Who knew that was all it took!

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