Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy 11th Birthday Sydney!!!

Happy Birthday to Sydney! She had a wonderful day- this was the 1st year that she was actually in school for her birthday...usually we are starting the summer break on her birthday. She said it was fun to go to school on her birthday & since this is the last week of the school year (and her last in elementary school) things are winding down- she did not even have dance since the recital was this past weekend, which gave her free time to play with her friend afterschool which was a treat. Sydney is a joy & she has a wit about her that alot of people don't see, but is definitely there & quite enjoyable. We are very proud of her!!!
Good morning 11 year old

Griffin " Oh when is it going to be my birthday?"

loving Hollister

yay! An IPod!

Birthday Lunch at school with Josie

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