Sunday, May 18, 2008

The 11th Annual Sydney Games

Yesterday we celebrated Sydney's 11th Birthday a bit early. Months ago, she decided she wanted a party to be similar to The Disney games...over time it evolved in to a party of field games, like we used to play as kids (Tug O War, Egg race, Water Ballon Toss, etc). It was actually quite fun to plan, although there were a lot of little details & I didn't feel too organized because I had a few other things going on this week. But it all pulled together & not only did the girls have fun, but we really enjoyed watching the girls play...we know some very competitive girls. There were 4 teams (named after colors)- the snacks and the drinks were all based on the colors of the teams. Alot of team spirit was present- face painting, cheers & team support. We spent way more time at the field than we allowed for, so the girls came back to our house & cooled off in the pool & quickly had dinner. Terri & Melissa made another great cake because Sydney wanted "the best cake ever!!!" It was a fun party to plan & I want to thank Angie for helping out with Griffin (priceless), Michele for helping me all the way thru the party & also recognize her kickin' round off for the pink team...and Terri for taking what I am sure are some great photos!!! Really, a team effort by all.

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