Sunday, March 23, 2008

40 is the new...

How many times have I heard that line in the past few weeks?!!!! What a fabulous day I had cannot get any better than spending the day with girlfriends at a spa & then coming home to a 4oth birthday celebration that my husband planned for me. When I first found out about all the hoopla, I really was uneasy about it- I really felt is was a bit unnecessary. Once, I got over that it really was fun...getting a new dress, hanging with friends all day, getting pampered...what's not to love. First, let me say Kathy, Beth, Michele, Meg, Dee & Terri- you all rock. Thanks for my special day, especially being a part of it. I would have fun & many giggles digging ditches with you all, but to be honest, The Ritz- Carlton is always a sure thing. You all looked beautiful after your facials (not that you don't at the playground or dropping your kids off at school). Second, to!!! You have made the last 20 birthdays special, but you really outdid yourself this time & I know you have several more surprises planned on my actual birthday. I cannot wait to see what is in store. It was a great night, the food, the ambiance, the not having me involved...all great. As for 40, I am not quite there yet (T- minus 12 days) but I am looking forward to this decade...everyone who I know is there already says it is great. Josie wrote on my big birthday wish board " Happy Birthday Mom. have fun being 40. Oh mom, don't get freaked out 40 is the 'knew' 20. Love Josie". She told me she made that up...clever girl!!!

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