Saturday, February 16, 2008

Seeing Gold

Way to Go Sydney & the entire In Motion Dance Project. Awesome job by all - the long hours & hard work paid off. All 3 of Sydney's dances scored "High Gold" & two of the placed 1st & 3rd in the 9-11 overall category. Here are a few pictures, not so great due to the movement. Hopefully, more to follow as IMDP has a few more competitions coming up in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Michele Swanson said...

I'm impressed with how quickly you posted this. It really is fun to see it journaled. I'll half to step up to the bar you have set and start a Swanson Family Blog!

You'll have to show me the ropes. We actually had one about 6 or 7 years ago, before digital camera days. We actually had to scan pictures into the site. Can you imagine how long that would take?

We just ran out of time to update it. It was mostly for our relatives.

Thanks for sharing!
Michele (your "friend's" mom)