Saturday, August 25, 2007


Well, we've jumped in and joined the "blogger world". It seems like an easy way to keep all of our friends and family updated on what's going on with us. We hope you enjoy...check back from time to time. School started a last Monday, after an extended summer for us here in Celebration. Josie is now at the same school as Sydney. Sydney is in 5th grade & Josie started 2nd. Here is Josie with her teacher, Mrs. Berrada. Both have great teachers & so far everyone is happy (especially mom & dad) !!! Sydney will be dancing alot this year - she is part of IN Motion Dance Project compettion team & will be going to several competitions this year including a National competition in Boston next July. Josie has decided not to dance this year (much to Lee's approval) & focus on soccer which she really loves. She has also decided to take guitar lessons because she feels the need "to rock"! Griffin is 23 months old today. As most of you know, time flies! He is so sweet and lovable. He is really beginning to talk and has great facial expressions- he reminds us of Josie in that way. His sisters are very helpful at entertaining him and his favorite thing to do these days is play "guitar hero"- even if he fails everytime. He started swimming lessions this summer and can float all on his own. Lee and I are busy balancing work & the kids. Lee is still trading, running a very successful advisory, and speaking at conferences from time to time, which he really enjoys. His book has just been published in French! I am working parttime as a C.N.M. I really enjoy it- the practice is two female OB/GYN's and myself. I started back in June & should have my hospital privileges by the end of September.

1 comment:

terri said...

cool blog amy !! i haven't ventured in to the video part yet , but if i do , i will let you know.