Friday, May 30, 2014

CMS Athletic Banquet

Josie was award Sportsmanship award for CMS Soccer.  She also was recognized for bb and cc.

More Sunshine State Games

More from the tourney

Sunshine State Games

Go Josie - awesome weekend at the Sunshine State Tournament.  21 goals for the 5 games...(out of 33 goals for her team).

Tampa Playday

OC Storm playday in Tampa...Jo split the games and also played for the Falcons!  Two wins!


Soccer season is impressive...these 10U kids know how to move their feet!

Hall of Heroes

Griffin did a great job presenting The Hall of Heroes to us... I guess he thinks I chat alot!

Hudson's party

Not even 3 hours of swimming tires these boys out!

More from NYC

Fun on the cirlce line and airport!

Noetic Math

Congrats to Griffin on his completion of Noetic Math- honors math class and test.  Griffin received honorable mention!  Good job...considering we overslept more than a few times!

Josie's 8th grade adventures

So much fun...I love NY!

My superfun weekend with Griffin

Griffin and I hit the road...with food, bb, and a long road trip to Fort Lauderdale...he's a great travel buddy!


Celebrating mother's Day with this wonderful mom and terrific friend! sun, spa and dinner with our guys. Perfect.

Grad Night

The 8th graders kicked off their month of fun at Universal Studios!  

Sydney's Tennis Awards

Third year on Varsity Tennis.  2nd year all county honorable mention!

Go USC Trojan's

We loved cheering for Griffin's bb team.  The last 3 games were nail biters and went into OT.  Exciting!!!

Josie's last honor roll

Josie Lowell.. you made it through CMS with straight A's all the way. are going to shine in HS!

Sea World

Our last 2nd grade field trip to Sea World!!! Yay...and I am glad I watched Blackfish after we went!

I love this kid

This is what happens when Griffin takes my phone.

Move on Maternity

Sydney's 1st donation for Move on Maternity...from Illuminate Church.... we just need to roll it out...going to be very exciting.

Chef Mickey's

Josie picked Chef Mickey's for her birthday dinner.  Not the best food...but we had fun.  Needless to say, the kids are growing out of the excitement of seeing the characters.

Surprise Josie

We surprised Josie AGAIN..for her 14th birthday.  Haha...she had no clue.