Friday, September 27, 2013

Eight years together

Love this little guy more than anything.  It's cliche but wow...time sure does fly.  It seems like just yesterday I was holding him in my arms!

Cape May Dinner

Yummy dinner- due to crazy family schedules we had to eat in shifts...but he was a happy birthday boy!

Birthday Boy

Our handsome birthday boy!

Birthday lunch

Lee brings chick fil a ( and krispy kreme for he classroom)- happy Day!

Happy Birthday Griffin

A Flashback of Griffin rockin' out over the years!

Florida Scavenger Hunt

First major project of the year...Florida Scavenger Hunt!  Fun facts, lots of work- good job Griffin!

Beginning of birthday week

A great way to start the week of turning 8!  Lasagna, chocolate cake and family!  Excellent!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Go Supersonics!

Another shut out for this awesome team...Griffin claims they won 9-0...not sure about the score but they played so great!

1st cross country meet

Go Josie!  1st cross country meet and she did great! Fun and proud!

Free Donuts for all Pirates!

Our 2nd pilgrimage to Krispy Kreme for free donuts because we'll do just about anything fo free donuts- talking and dressing up like a pirate is nothing!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tired much?

Yep...this pretty much her standard drive home after 3 games!


A little side trip on the way home, a visit to Sweet by Miss Holly....winner of cupcake wars! delish!

High School Games

If the 90 plus temps and intense humidity didnt take them down...nothing will.  These girls were awesome .  A 9-3 win ans 4-7 loss...but they were playing all out.  Another 2 goals and 2 assists for Josie!

Post game

Obviously not too tired to be silly!

Falcons Middle School - week 2

12-3 win!  Josie with 4 goals and 6 assists!  Great game girls!

Food Truck Friday

Burgers and Fries, fish tacos were on the menu!

1st soccer game- CMS

CMS vs. Discovery with a 5-0 win.  Josie had an awesome head goal on a corner kick!  The dance she did afterwards was the best part!

Pride Prowl

OMG- the humidity as these kids ran an obstacle to earn money for their school!  Sweaty but happy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blast from the past

No...that is not Josie...that is Sydney probably 6th or 7th grade!!!

Falcon's opener

Yes that's our girl...scoring 7 out of the 10 goals for her team.. Go Josie...hard work pays off!


Still super cute and sweet!  How can you not love her?

Static Electricity!

Griffin was selected as his class' Science Star Student of the week, which meant a science project!   We chose Static Electricity and demonstrated using a balloon and picked up paper off the floor after rubbing the balloon on his head!  Cool!

Mrs. A's science exploration

We saw some cool things as we explored swampy land around the school- the kids loved when a dragonfly landed on Mrs. Archambeau's head!

What a great husband

Yep, that's 20 roses for 20 years sent to met at work!