Sunday, June 30, 2013


Fun day of boating, tubing, food and beverages with the Swansons & Munn/Benetti's.  Despite a minor accident on the was a really relaxing day!

RC Elite Tournament

Great tournament for RC Gold team.  The middle school got to play up against another high school travel team and they did great.  Josie had 3 great games- fun to watch her as always.  In 2 of the games she had the last goals right at the buzzer.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Take your daughter's friend to work day!

A spontaneous decision to have Brooke come to watch me deliver a baby.  We ran in at the last minute.  Definitely eye- opening.  I am pretty certain Sydney will not be tagging along anytime soon!

Working up an appetite

After 2 hours of lacrosse in the hot Florida sun...we head to Jason's ice cream!

Zip line fun

An old reliable for fun and laughs.

Two thumbs up!

Yes I did it!!!!

Summit Plummet

Griffin is beyond brave.  He wanted to ride Summit Plummet and he  waited in line all by himself and did it!   He said it was scary but he's do it again!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Battle of the Network Stars

Camp J is off to a great start!!!! Two happy and tired boys!  Team cartoon Network!

After practice

It's DD after a long practice...that's all.  Good thing it's right by the field!


After a crazy few days at work and much needed friend and co-worker Sharon took this picture of me...we were laughing so hard!

Double Dipper

Griffin tackled The Double Dipper all by himself...brave little dude!

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!!! Unfortunately, we celebrated without their father as Lee was in NYC.  We had fun at Blizzard Beach!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Poulson Pack Awards

Griffin was awarded The "LIGHTHOUSE" award at the annual Poulson Pack Awards.  The Lighthouse award is given to the student who is The Leader, who sets the example for the class.  We know he is a great, student, friend and enjoys school so much.  Glad to see him recognized with such a positive award!

Happy Father's Day!

We had to celebrate Father's Day a bit early because Lee was going to NYC on Father's Day.  We gave him this awesome collage of photos of our family over the past 5 years!  Pretty cool.  Thanks, TerriZ!

Food truck Friday

Griffin departed from his usual burger ( because we couldn't find any) and made his own grilled cheese sandwich- recommended by Sydney.  American and bacon on texas toast!  Two thumbs up. Plus a side of fries!

Tooth extraction

4th tooth out...compliments of Dr. Marfori.  No sweat...easy removal.  Plus, the tooth fairy was extra nice!

Look whose driving?!

Yes, it's true.  First stop going solo...The Millenia Mall.

Summer wipeout

Summer tires Griffin out...I cannot remember the last time he napped!

John & Dee's wedding celebration

A wonderful night celebrating our Friends Dee & John wedding.  It was a beautiful evening and so nice to catch up with friends we hadn't seen in a long time.  Happy for everyone...modern day Brady Bunch with 5 boys and 4 girls rounding out their team.

My helper

Running errands all day works up an appetite.  After all our shopping, Griffin relaxes with her favorite Subway!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Saying goodbye to Talan!

Ice cream to say good bye to our great friend Talan as he gets ready to move to Seattle!  We will miss him so much.

Last day of school

The smiles say it all!

Mrs. Poulson's 1st Grade class

What a great class, great year!  First grade is in the past- we are grateful for Mrs. Poulson!

Sweet 16

Wow!  16 years goes by so fast!

Dinner at Cape May to eat and celebrate!  Waaaay too much food...way many laughs!

Sydney & Friends

Friends come out to show their love for Sydney

Relaxing poolside

A gorgeous day poolside at The Waldorf Astoria to celebrate our favorite sweet 16!

Happy Birthday Crepes

Happy 16th Birthday to Sydney who woke up to chocolate crepes on her birthday!!! Yum!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Staying cool on the sidelines

Thank goodness there was a popsicle cart moving by on the sidelines!  Griffin was a trooper!  And Josie's biggest fan!