What a perfect night- the weather was great. Everyone was totally in to it- the neighbors really got in to the spirit and it was one of the better Halloweens!
Well, we know who I was rooting for...but oh my, what a boring (snore)game...it had the outcome that I wanted...and thankfully the food in our suite was good and plentiful ( hello dessert cart)...but sadly the game did not deliver!
One day home and then Lee and I went away for a quick stay in Amelia Island- it was so brief that we didnt get to enjoy the island, but we will definitely go back. Beautiful!
We weren't home for an hour before Josie and Griffin decided they needed more fun! Stair slides on a boogie board- creative and smart enough to wear helmets!
We could not pull Griffin out of the kids club...he mostly loved the computers and video games, however playing in a larger version of Andy's room! Total fun!