Not the best pictures- but Griffin had a blast playing dodgeball at the gym. It was hilarious to watch....I think we have another competitive kid on our hands.
This is the 1st year that one of the girls has a bunkmate who celebrates a birthday at camp. They celebrated with a cabin pizza party at night. Just one party, night after night!
Looks like the weather had something to do with the indoor campfire ( hello rainboots)- but hopefully it did not put a damper on their energy. Sydney and cabin Y got front row seats!
The girls love the 4th of July at camp-they get to go in to town and dance in the 4th of July parade. This year Josie is old enough to participate- so both girls get to go in to town early.
1st social of the camp season- Kawaga! Girls looking fresh and happy! Josie packs way too many clothes and I think she is wearing someone else's shirt!!! Fun to see cousins (although where is Chuck?)
Lee and I took Griffin to a minor league baseball game today. We had a lot of fun- and had great seats. We even got free ice cream sundaes at Dairy Queen afterwards!!! We'll for sure go back, Go Flying Tigers!
On the last night before they left for camp...Sydney decides to try on cute clothes. Good bye fashionista- the next few weeks are dedicated to sweats, shorts and ponytails!
We know that Griffin doesnt understand time- 7 weeks is a long time to be away from your sister and friend. After 2 days...he already misses her. We know both will have a great summer, cute to have him ask when she is coming home!
Happy Father's day to THE BEST DAD EVER!!! Sydney, Josie and Griffin are beyond fortunate to have such a wonderful person in their lives. We surprised him with an iphone! I think he really was surprised even though Griffin kind of spilled the beans!
On of Josie's last nights at home she wanted to go play mini golf- so we went at night when it was a bit cooler. Lots of laughs and we got to see the Disney fireworks as well!