Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nerd Day!

1st day of spirit week...Nerd Day! Looking good Josie!

Summer Vacation Kickoff

Griffin finished school at 11:45 and then we headed to Blizzard Beach for a very brief outing. A few slides, lunch and the lazy river...before we headed back to pick up the girls. Yay for summer!

Happy Early Birthday Sydney!

Sydney picked Boma for her grandparents to take her out for an early birthday dinner...let the festivities begin!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ring Toss

We had fun playing the ring toss-some of us were better at it than others. Some of us are very competitive! Also, probably genetic.


So much more fun this weekend. We had access to a more kid friendly Hilton and our kids chose to stay at the more peaceful, quiet pool at The Waldorf. It must be genetic.

Waldorf-Astoria Poolside

This Memorial Day Weekend we spent relaxing at The Waldorf-Astoria. Our kids can totally appreciate kicking back and relaxing. The girls read under the umbrella (me too), and there was alot of time spent in the pool.


Woops-the last set of pictures were from my iphone. Here are some better shots of the graduate.

Griffin's new look

Griffin asked if he could wear this to his graduation!!!??

Griffin graduates from kindergarten

Sniff, sniff...another misty kindergarten graduation. It could not be any cuter. Griffin was just 8 months old when Josie graduated-which makes us realize how fast time goes by. He was super cute...and last night he even asked if he still had to practice his presentation (which was on The Earth).

Albee and Gracie

We are fostering 2 kitties that need a home. We were thinking of fostering a dog so the kids could get the idea of what goes in to taking care of a dog...but we need a dog that is good with cats and kids. So in the meantime these 2 cuties with be with us until they are adopted- which shouldnt be too long. Mittens & Lola...not so thrilled with the idea!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tiki Bar

An "unofficial" Mystery Club at The Tiki Bar in Clermont. We watched a beautiful sunset, ate yummy food and unfortunately a few bugs got to us. It felt like we were on vacation- cool tropical breeze and we saw lumineries fly across the lake ( we think from a relay for life)-cool!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

We won!!!

We used strategy this year and put our money on the raffle item we thought would not be as popular (although they all were great prizes)- who can compete for an iPad2???? Plus, Griffin has been seen around town with his sisters' pink DS circa 2006!!! Griffin was already disappointed that he did not win the Mariokart gift basket- even though we had the "talk" that stated not everyone can win. When they called the student up to pick the name of the winner, Griffin thought that that child was the winner and he had a long face...so he was way surprised when they called his name. Wow! totally great prize...see ya in a few weeks Griffin when you resurface!

MSC Art Show

Another MSC Art Show. This year it was held at the school and it felt like a gallery. Griffin's classroom had a theme "recycle, reuse". All their supplies were made from recycled items. Fantastic. Once again, impressed.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Behind the scenes

Backstage at The Headliners show.

Final Headliners Show

The final Headliners production "Guys vs. Dolls"...the students did an amazing job!

Boating fun

The kids got to got tubing and jet skiing until a huge stormed rolled in very quickly. Not so funny at the time, the raft flipped and due to the wind would not stay down. Everyone drifted into the grass...until they had to be rescued by the speed boat...add in some thunder and there you have it!

Lacrosse awards

The end of the season lacrosse party was a great time. All the players received medals. Josie was awarded the Golden Stick award (MVP) for the elementary team. All the players signed the photos and each coach received a copy! A big thanks to the coaches and especilly Vickie...who will be missed!