Thursday, March 31, 2011

Griffin plays the drums

Griffin has been taking drum lessons for about a year now & Lee & I got the chance to see how he was! So fun to see him! Looks like so much fun too- although, not sure we are ready to bring a set in to our home yet!!

Josie treats us

Josie had been craving crepes for awhile now & she earned some babysitting money & decided to treat us to some crepes. So we headed in to Epcot to France and enjoyed some- yum. Thanks Josie!

Congratulations Science Fair!

Sydney & Da Yan Zi received 5th place in their category of junior chemistry. The State science fair was a big commitment, but the girls seemed to enjoy participating in the fair. I know they saw the potential that lies ahead if they work hard. Good job girls!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

More ice cream

It's spring break and that means the start of ice cream season. Griffin definitely is consistent.

After dark Bike Ride

Griffin convinced me to take an after sunset bike ride down to Kilwin's! How could I resist? Love riding with him. Plus he serenaded me with Train "Hey Soul Sister" all the way home...excellent.

Florida State Science Fair

Congratulations to Sydney and Da YanZi for qualifying for the state science fair (after coming in 1st place in the county). They spent the whole day judging and tomorrow is the awards. Good've worked hard ...and sacrificed your spring break.

So good...

One of my favorite meals ever. I love Pad Thai! I love it even more after a long day at work, out with Le and a glass of wine, sitting outside in beautiful weather. Perfect!

Road trip laughs

Round trip to Clearwater and back in a few hours is about all we can take. These photos were taken with 30 minutes left in our trip!

Quick Beach Trip

We went out to Clearwater for a few hours to visit our friend Christine. It was a beautiful day, we saw some stingrays...way too short. Plus, I didn't even get a picture of Christine and her year!

Happy Birthday Beth

We had so much fun celebrating Beth's birthday...we made up our own Food and Wine evening at Epcot. Plus we saw Chubby Checker (unintentionally).

Soccer star

Griffin is really getting the hang of it! More importantly, he is having fun! Another one hooked on soccer.

Sydney's Personal Assistant

At the k-8 Fundraiser, Lee & I bid and won on Ms. Pollzzie being Sydney's personal assisstanet for the day. She went all out (shirt). Brought breakfast, lunch for her and 2 friends, carried her backpack, cloroxed her desk. Way to go Rose...keep the shirt for Josie!


I just had to take a picture of Sydney's project (it may help in 3 years when Josie does it)! Good work Sydney!

Lacrosse win...3-0

Lee and I have to divide and conquer. This week he took Lacrosse and I manned the soccer fields. He said the girls played awesome...the whole team is really getting strong. they won all 3 games and Josie had 2 more goals!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Being silly

Griffin and Josie about to go to Animal Kingdom...being silly.

Visit from some old friends

We were so excited to see our New York friends (and 2nd cousins) Jill & Michael and their girls Eva & Marni. It was just like old times (except the restaurants weren't as good). The kids got along great- so fun to catch up.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

MSC International Festival rounded out our day. The yellow room researched "Japan"- they were so cute singing!


Josie has been moved up to the 11-14 year old group. Oh my! This is serious soccer. There are some big kids playing. The game ended in a tie...with our girl scoring the most amazing goal- almost halfway down the field. I think she surprised herself and the best part was seeing her face after she scored. Priceless!

Middle school lacrosse game

I only caught a few minutes when I came to pick Josie up to take her to her soccer game, but it looked like a tough game. One thing for sure, these girls have really improved!

Griffins 1st soccer game

Soccer is back and Griffin scored his 1st goal ever! Woo hoo! I missed it because I went to go get Josie from her lacrosse game....but he was so proud! Hopefully there will be more to come!

Super Saturday!

Having three kids has caught up with us...3 lacrosse games, 2 soccer games, one international three locations. We started the morning with Josie's 1st lacrosse game (elementary team). She scored 2 awesome goals. Way to new uniforms too!

Fun at My Gym

How Griffin loves My Gym (who doesn't?). Griffin went to celebrate Mitchell's 6th birthday. Great fun for all!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Josie sets a club record

Three back to back games of lax. She set a club record by scoring 5 goals in one game. She was awesome...and very tired by the end of the game. I even game her a foot massage when we got home. I know she'll sleep well tonight!